Friday, February 22, 2008


Avis Guggenheim is a famos director and before making any movie you have to take care of certain copy right laws. If some scene is accidently match certain thing than you have to clear its copy rights and lawer has the important role in clearing all legal matters. It creats burden as well as cost. It burdens creative process. It stuks the society in many ways.
As the result of technological and cultural revolution but the central aspect is still confusing and creates a blind spot. This blindness effects creativity adversly and creates hurdles in creating something new. And the battle is between old and new. And the environment is designed to enable tje new is being to transformed to protect the old and every one defends the same regime to whom he\she belongs to. In future the service could be one way and the message could be user demanded precisely advertised. Consumers are the user of products like Apple have its consumers and they are not strictly internet users. The socialism shows its faith in government to allocate market resources but in capitalism market itsef regulates resources.
A resource is free if one can use it with the permission of anyone or the permision granted him neutrally.

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